Improve AdSense CTR (Click Through Ratio) And Make More Money With AdSense !

Mahi7ete | 13:15 | 1 comments

Everybody want to make more money with the Google AdSense, getting approved by Google AdSense is not a big deal if you are not getting paid every month by Google AdSense. To make more money with Google AdSense you have to improve your CTR(click through ratio) your CTR should be between 2%-5% that is normal CTR and if your CTR is lesser then 2% then you have to improve the CTR, without improving CTR you are wasting your blog’s revenue which you can generate by your blog. Here is the few tips using it you can improve CTR of your blog.

AD placement

There are many bloggers out there who are just placing random ads in the blog, the size of the ads is also matters and to improve CTR one AdSense unit should be above the fold and the size of the ad should be 300x250  or 728x90 because that size of the ad unit works fine and also gets the higher CPC (Click Per Cost) And one ad unit should be in the footer of the blog post so whenever your finish the blog post then the advertisement can catch their eyes. And don't write sponsored links or advertisement  above the AdSense ad unit, why the heck you are telling the world that you have placed an ad ? and AdSense is already showing ad choices in the ad unit.

Learn How To Add AdSense inside blogger post

Best Google AdSense Colors

Your Google AdSense ad unit’s color should match with your color scheme of your site so the reader will think that its not the advertisement but its a part of your website and then your CTR will increase and you should not add any borders in the ad unit (border color = your background color) and your ad unit’s background color should match with your blog’s background color. The color of the link should match with your blog’s link color and it applies to the description too !

Get approved by Google AdSense using Blogger
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You have to find the best ad unit and the best placement in your blog to get higher CTR keep testing the ad units and ad placements so you can know which combination of ad placement and colors works best for your blog.


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