Add Dynamic Meta Tag To Blogger For Best SEO- Part 2

Mahi7ete | 02:37 | 0 comments


How To Use

1.Go to Howeblog > Tools > Dynamic Meta Generator
2.Fill in all fields to make the tool work properly. Author and Robots is optional. You can use the same description and keywords at Homepage and Post page.

3.Click Generate Meta Tag to get the code, then select all and copy this.
4.Backup your template, then go to your blog Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.
                      <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

6.Paste the code copied in step 3. If there is already have old meta tag, then replace them with the new one. You should replace old meta description, meta keywords, meta og, meta robots and meta author. If you still keep old meta tag, the lower position tag will be used.

7.Save your template and you're done.

After these step, please go to your blog and check meta tag at some pages to make sure everything work fine. For error report, please comment at this post, I will reply in 24h.

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