How to Create a Free Blog using BlogSpot Blogger

Mahi7ete | 13:04 | 1 comments


BlogSpot let you create a Free blog but comes with it’s own limitation, but as I mentioned above, for a starter it’s a good idea to create a Blog and get the hitch of Blogging.

This post is dedicated to those people, who wants’ to start with Blogging. In this post we will be talking about how you can create a free BlogSpot blog.
Before I start with complete tutorial, few things which you should know. BlogSpot is a blogging platform by Google which give you option to start a blog, all your images will be hosted by Picasa which is again a part of Google.

Create a free Blog
To create your a free Blog site, head over to and login using your Google account. If you don’t have a Google (Gmail) account, create on for free.
Once you are logged in, at the top click on Create a free blog.

1.Name Your blog
First thing which you need to do is by adding a name and selecting your domain name. I suggest go through my post on How to select a domain name. Avoid using your name as domain name and instead use some generic domain name which you can brand later on with your custom domain.

2.Select a template
Next step is to select a template for your blog. Select any template for now and later on your can take help of custom template to give a better design to your BlogSpot blog. ( 30 best magazine style blogger templates)

3.Write Post:

So your blog is almost ready and you can start writing posts. Though there are many settings which you need to do before you actually start writing your first post. I will be posting about that post soon, but before that go ahead and create your first free blog.

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About is Free Blogger Templates Gallery. We provide Blogger templates for free. You can find about tutorials, blogger hacks, SEO optimization, tips and tricks here!

1 comment:

  1. Insightful post. After selecting a template as well, if you have a little knowledge in html or css, you can also customize your selected templates.

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